Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Sleep Clinicians, Primary Care Physicians
Shift Work Disorder, Sleep Disorders
1. | Identify and diagnose shift work disorder based on specific symptoms and in accordance with recognized guidelines | 2. | Implement appropriate management strategies for SWD, including pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions, while considering the potential for comorbid sleep disorders |
3. | Describe and institute mechanisms for assessing and ensuring optimal outcomes for patients with SWD that can be easily applied in a clinical setting |
1. | Identify and diagnose shift work disorder based on specific symptoms and in accordance with recognized guidelines |
2. | Implement appropriate management strategies for SWD, including pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions, while considering the potential for comorbid sleep disorders |
3. | Describe and institute mechanisms for assessing and ensuring optimal outcomes for patients with SWD that can be easily applied in a clinical setting |
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